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Welcome to the AMHE membership site.

Thank you for renewing or joining AMHE.  Your membership makes you a valued member of the AMHE community.  We welcome membership from all medical professionals.

AMHE also welcomes medical fellows, residents, interns, and students membership.  However, your status must be validated before membership is approved.  Upon completing your application, please submit a copy of your fellows/resident/intern/student ID to the AMHE office at

Join/Renew your 2024 AMHE membership NOW!  The AMHE membership cycle begins January 1 and ends December 31.

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All Basic membershipsf are tax deductible as business expense for federal income tax purposes.  You may download your membership card from the membership portal or you may requeste that a card is mailded to you after we receive payment of your dues.  Your paid membership entitles you to:

  1. Special member discount to the AMHE Annual Medical Convention; and earn CME’s and CEU’s credits.
  2. Engage in the meetings of the General Assemblies; participate in Gala events organized by different Chapters of the Associations.
  3. Receive the AMHE Newsletter and learn about different activities of the AMHE community; and social media connections.
  4. Access to our AMHE E-Journal: E-JAMHE to review articles.
  5. Access to “The Journal Info Surgery: Revue de Chirurgie et Anesthesiologie / Revue of Surgery and Anesthesiology.”
  6. Take Part in Medical Missions in Haiti and Abroad with Haitians and /or Foreign Physicians and other Healthcare Providers.
  7. Participate in Health Fair in the communities at Home and Abroad.
  8. Participate in didactic and practical sessions to help medical students and Residents to succeed in different tests.
  9. Allow Residents and Students in Medicine to rotate in different Hospitals at Home and Abroad.
  10. Help shape the AMHE Policies. 
  11. Access our online AMHE Library. 
  12. Network with other Physicians and Medical Groups in the US and Haiti
  13. Mentorship opportunities for students/fellows/residents.
  14. Access to the AMHE Member Directory.

We are continually seeking new ways to make your membership attractive and worthy to you.  Hence, we welcome your feedback and new ideas on what kind of services may be of interest to you as a member.  Feel free to share your comments and offer us suggestions.  We are re listening…

Please renew your membership in a timely fashion and be directly involved in shaping our important agenda issues to keep our communities strong, safe, and vibrant. 


M. Michaël Débrosse-Bruno

Marie Michaël Débrosse-Bruno, BS, MDB-ISMA

Executive Director, AMHE                             

Association Medicale Haitienne A L'Etranger
Haitian Medical Association Abroad

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